I’m Kelly, Founder

“Our Mission is to help improve the world of work, one leader, one leadership team, one organisation at a time.”

I founded Start Inspiring because frankly, I believe there is a better way of running a business, than the corporate, slow, bureaucratic machines that have become too familiar. 

I know, if you really want to get the best results out of your people you need to inspire them, challenge them and give them plenty of opportunities to grow both personally and professionally - supporting them as whole people. 

Too long have I heard this referred to as the soft stuff - for me nothing is further from the truth. Not only is a humanistic approach to work more ethical and enjoyable for everyone, it delivers amazing business results. Better profitability, customer satisfaction, engagement, productivity, health, increased happiness, need I go on?

Our team knows it’s not easy to build the conditions where everyone can thrive, you have to do it with intentionality and dedication but let me tell you, the effort is worth it. 

Our Mission is to help improve the world of work, one leader, one leadership team, one organisation at a time. We plan to do our bit by helping senior leaders to create a better life for people, of which their work is invariably a big part.

Let’s get your team fit for the future.