Our latest thinking.
We do the research so you don’t have to.
Informative articles, written by our team of people experts to inspire and help you grow your business.

How leadership failures will lead to growth (if you look for opportunities!)
All great leaders have their own stories of where they've failed - ways they feel they could have done something differently, and these usually come with the beauty of hindsight.
When thinking about my leadership failures, one instantly springs to mind. I was in my first management position and had to directly manage a team, meaning I was responsible for completing annual appraisals, linked to performance-related bonuses.

Opposites day!
“It’s like we are having two different conversations”
“Why are they being so *insert judgemental adjective here*?”
“Here we go again - same old!”
Sound familiar? We all have experiences of working with people that just press our buttons. At best it causes frustration; at worst, conflict. Now, I hate to take the wind out of your sails, but we can say with some confidence that it’s highly likely this is how they feel about you, too.

Hybrid Working: Change
In the final instalment of our video series, we discuss viewing hybrid working not just as a technical and logistical shift, but a fundamental change process.

Hybrid Working: Communication
How can you ensure your employee’s standard of work doesn’t drop from home? Or, that they’re happy and fulfilled?
We’re here to help. With the 4th video in our Hybrid Working series in your back pocket, you’ll be ready for the difficult conversations ahead, no matter what they may be.

Hybrid Working: Trust
The third video in our Hybrid Working series, focuses on the concept of trust. Why is it important? What does it look like? And most importantly, how do we build it?

Hybrid Working: Inclusion
The second instalment of our hybrid working series is all about inclusivity.
We look at the challenges that a diverse team might face, challenge misconceptions, and provide solutions that benefit everyone.

Hybrid Working: The What and The Why
Taking a systemic but practical approach, we’ve bottled up our knowledge into a short series of bite sized videos, designed to help you create the desired workplaces suitable for your teams and organisations.

How to feedback your way to a healthy working environment
Discover the merits of Kim Scott’s “Radical Candour”, among a multitude of other ideas on how to give your employees feedback.

Team coaching: from silo to synergy
The synergy of a high performing team is magical. But how as leaders can we help our teams achieve this? The solution: team coaching.

Can you literally change your mind?
Science is revealing things to us that can directly impact how we do business in a very real way. Enter, Neuroscience.

Why leadership & culture isn’t ‘fluffy’
How as leaders do you create the conditions and culture for your people to thrive? And what’s the cost if you don’t?